BLS Glossary


BLS Glossary

Bethany Lutheran School Glossary
A glossary of terms used at Bethany Lutheran School


Advisory Groups  (Middle School)
6 groups made up of 6-8th grade students, each overseen by one of our middle school teachers.

Bear Teams
12 teams made up of K-8 students. The teams will do an activity together each quarter and sit together at chapel on the last Wednesday of the month.

Chapel Partners
8th grade / 1st grade partners
7th grade / Kindergarten partners

Chapel Polo
A blue, logoed polo shirt worn on Wednesday for K-8 Chapel.  We also sometimes wear these for field trips.  Polos can be purchased from Vicki Marsha

Cook’s Night Out
8th Grade fundraising nights at local restaurants.

Extended Day Care - our after school/holiday child care program.  Child care is available on all minimum days and on designated holidays.  In order to provide sufficient child care workers on minimum days and holidays, we ask that parents complete the need for child care form which is provided to parents prior to the holiday.

Field Trip/Theme Shirt
A shirt made annually and given to each student with the current year’s theme verse on it. Every student receives a shirt…parents may place additional orders in the fall

Free Dress Friday
The first Friday of each month students may wear casual clothes to school, as long as they still meet dress code.

Late Start
K - 2 begin school at 8:30am
3 - 8 begin school at 8:00am
On Wednesdays, everyone begins at 8:30am

Lutheran Schools Week
A week in January where all Lutheran schools celebrate! BLS often has dress up or theme days all week.

March to Middle School
A day for the 5th grade class to shadow the 6th and 7th graders and learn about middle school.

Park & Pool
A day at the end of the school year where classes go to the park to play and picnic. 
Grades K-2 walk to Pan Am Park
Grades 3-5 are driven to Mayfair Park
Grades 6-8 walk to Mayfair Park
Grades 3-8 also enjoy 2 hours at Mayfair Pool in the afternoon

Student Success Program - the Student Success Program exists to prevent reading failure and ensure each child can read the Bible for themselves.

 Theme Shirt/Field Trip Shirt
A shirt made annually and given to each student with the current year’s theme verse on it. Every student receives a shirt…parents may place additional orders in the fall.



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